Hi All,

A reminder that XChem are currently advertising a PDRA (cheminformatics) 
position at Diamond, with a focus on developing and implementing new algorithms 
to combine high-throughput natural-product discovery with rapid chemical 
progression of fragment compounds.

The position is funded by CHNUK2. CHNUK2, a collaboration between world-leading 
institutions in the UK and China, aims to form a hub of support platforms for 
fundamental and translational antibiotic discovery research. Using UK strengths 
in underpinning biology and science policy, the project aims to explore and 
exploit China’s resources in natural products and traditional Chinese medicine.

The deadline for applications is today. Details here:



Dr. Rachael Skyner
PDRA (XChem)

Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House, Harwell Science & Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

Tel:      +44(0)1235 56 7537
Mobile: +44(0)7540 95 5786 (Out of office)

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