Sudipta to link this amino acid you have to renumber the residues before
and after the modified  position where residue is added such that it
accepts the residues as part of chain.

Also you should give similar chain id to modified residue, as the chain in
which you want to merge
Hope this helps.

On Tue, 10 Dec 2019, 20:42 Sudipta Bhattacharyya, <> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I would really appreciate your suggestions for linking cysteine sulfenic
> acid (one of the active site amino acid residues in my target protein) to
> rest of the protein chain. Let me summarize what I did so far in coot  -
> 1. I deleted the native cysteine residue at that location, then brought
> cysteine sulfenic acid from the monomer library, then fit it in the density
> and merged it, then ran refinement by refmac5, the entity fits really well
> but the link is not established after the refinement .
> 2. In my version of coot (wincoot) I could not find "Extensions >
> Modelling > Replace Residue"...option to change it.
> Thanks in advance for your suggestions and happy holidays!
> Best regards,
> Sudipta
> --
> Sudipta Bhattacharyya, PhD
> Assistant Professor,
> Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering,
> Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur,
> Rajasthan, India.
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