Dear Richard,
yes, it has I(+)/I(-) and corresponding sigmas. I tried the command you've
specified - final mtz still contains only "normal" maps but now I see
anomalous phases in anode.pha
In order to get difference anomalous maps I still have to run refmac5 with
LABIN F+=F(+) SIGF+=SIGF(+) F-=F(-) SIGF-=SIGF(-) FREE=FreeR_flag
Is it possible to specify in dimple which columns I want it to use during
restrained refinement, either F/SIGF or anomalous pairs F+/SIGF+ and
May be it is possible to modify source code to tell dimple to run refmac5
with specified LABINs?
Kind regards,

вт, 3 дек. 2019 г. в 12:31, Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) <>:

> Dear Evgenii,
> Does your input mtz file contain I(+)/I(-) and SIGI(+)/SIGI(-) columns?
> Dimple runs shelxc to obtain the input reflection file for anode, which
> requires anomalous intensities as input.
> I.e. it essentially runs the following commands:
> $ mtz2sca AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.mtz
> $ shelxc anode << EOF
> CELL 57.9066 57.9066 150.3051 90.0 90.0 90.0
> SPAG P 41 21 2
> $ cp dimple/final.pdb anode.pdb
> $ anode anode
> At Diamond we run dimple --anode on the free.mtz file generated by xia2,
> which contains the following columns:
>     label    #valid  %valid     min     max type
>     F         32162  99.75%    0.01 3130.76 F: amplitude
>     SIGF      32162  99.75%    0.01  102.51 Q: standard deviation
>     DANO      31745  98.46% -271.19  227.37 D: anomalous difference
>     SIGDANO   31745  98.46%    0.00  124.40 Q: standard deviation
>     F(+)      31777  98.55%    0.01 3130.76 G: F(+) or F(-)
>     SIGF(+)   31777  98.55%    0.01  102.51 L: standard deviation
>     F(-)      27431  85.08%    0.02 2758.00 G: F(+) or F(-)
>     SIGF(-)   27431  85.08%    0.01   91.95 L: standard deviation
>     ISYM      32243 100.00%   -1.00    2.00 Y: M/ISYM, packed
> partial/reject flag and symmetry number
>     IMEAN     32162  99.75%   -0.31  780.55 J: intensity
>     SIGIMEAN  32162  99.75%    0.00   24.65 Q: standard deviation
>     I(+)      31777  98.55%   -0.48  780.55 K: I(+) or I(-)
>     SIGI(+)   31777  98.55%    0.00   24.65 M: standard deviation
>     I(-)      27431  85.08%   -0.44  609.14 K: I(+) or I(-)
>     SIGI(-)   27431  85.08%    0.00   16.78 M: standard deviation
> E.g.:
> $ dimple AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.mtz 1RQW dimple --anode -fpng
> Cheers,
> Richard
> Dr Richard Gildea
> Data Analysis Scientist
> Tel: +441235 77 8078
> Diamond Light Source Ltd.
> Diamond House
> Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire
> OX11 0DE
> ------------------------------
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Eugene
> Osipov <>
> *Sent:* 03 December 2019 10:22
> *Subject:* [ccp4bb] Dimple anomalous peaks
> Dear CCP4 community,
> I can't figure out how to tell Dimple to use F(+)/F(-) columns and search
> for anomalous peaks.
> I was trying to run dimple in the next form:
> dimple -R free.mtz --anode --fcolumn F output.mtz test.pdb dimple_dir
> In the output mtz  I get only 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc maps. When I try to
> use --fcolumn F(+) I gen an error.
> My mtz file contains both averaged F/SIGF, anomalous pairs F(+)/F(-) and
> their differences in DANO.
> Can someone tell how to calculate anomalous difference maps from dimple
> run?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Evgenii Osipov
> Laboratory for Biocrystallography,
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
> KU Leuven O&N2
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Evgenii Osipov
Laboratory for Biocrystallography,
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
KU Leuven O&N2


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