Yes, this issue will definitely compete with IUCr's many journals dedicated to kinase drug discovery. /sarcasm
On a more serious note: nobody should be "loyal" to a journal or scientific society; both are servants of the scientific community, not the other way around. If they stop supporting scientists with their roles and policies, those scientists will move elsewhere (note, for example, the American Crystallographic Association and the diaspora of structural biologists/protein crystallographers from the ACA). If I submit to an IUCr journal, it is because my work is geared toward the community of IUCr journal readers. IUCr journals are not always going to attract the right audience for a particular study, and that's fine. Not everyone here is a capital-C Crystallographer, and if someone in this community wants to bring to our attention an opportunity that may benefit its users, that's great! I take issue with MDPI's policies as a publishing house, but guest editors posting about a special issue on behalf of them is more beneifical than harmful. In that vein, advertistments for job postings are professionally-related and also not relevant to CCP4 but I think everyone, especially young scientists, benefit from those as well. Aaron ------------------------------------------ Aaron Finke Staff Scientist, MacCHESS Cornell University e-mail:<> On Nov 22, 2019, at 8:58 AM, Isabel Uson <<>> wrote: Dear Julie and Mathew, I feel advertisement on behalf of professional publishers is not appropriate for the bulletin board. MDPI should pay for its advertisements, rather than get them for free. (Being a for-profit firm, they should also pay for, rather than invite editing, but this is of course personal). They stand in direct competition with IUCr journals, which it should be in our best interest to protect. We all profit from constant -rather than occasional- scientific editing and the IUCr support to our community (meetings, fellowships, awards). I know it is not the first time such a call is posted in the bb and that it is not for me to say what is appropriate or not but I will really miss journals from our scientific societies the day they become extinct. Best wishes, Isabel On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 1:07 AM CCP4BB automatic digest system <<>> wrote: There are 2 messages totaling 363 lines in this issue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 17:24:15 +0000 From: Julie Tucker <<>> Subject: Off-topic (somewhat): Call for papers on structure-guided kinase drug discovery Dear colleagues, Mathew Martin and I would very much appreciate your contributions on the topic of "Recent Advances in Structure-Guided Kinase Drug Discovery" for a special issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences <> (IJMS, ISSN 1422-0067, Current Impact Factor: 4.183). We encourage submission of both *original research articles and topical reviews* on all aspects of *structure-guided drug discovery targeting the phosphotransferase enzyme family*. We welcome accounts of your experiences of applying structure-guided methods of all types to the discovery and development of inhibitors of protein, lipid and small molecule kinases from bacteria to man. More information can be found here: Due to its open access policy, the journal charges publication fees, however, please contact us directly for the chance to secure a discount on the usual fee. The deadline for submissions is nominally 20th April 2020, however, articles will be peer-reviewed and published on an ongoing basis. Our apologies to those of you with no interest in kinase drug discovery, and our heartfelt thanks to any of you who feel moved to contact us to discuss potential contributions. Please also feel free to pass this invitation on to any interested colleagues. Best wishes, Julie Tucker and Mathew Martin -- Julie Tucker York Biomedical Research Institute Department of Biology and HYMS University of York Heslington YORK YO10 5DD Tel. 01904 328912 Co-guest editor of "Recent Advances in Structure-Guided Kinase Drug Discovery <>" A special issue of *International Journal of Molecular Sciences* <> (IF 4.183) (ISSN 1422-0067). Email disclaimer <> ######################################################################## -- ICREA Res. Prof. Isabel Usón Crystallographic Methods Department of Structural Biology (“Maria de Maeztu” Unit of Excellence), Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona, Spanish Research Council; Barcelona Science Park, Helix Building, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: