Hi all,

We have extended the deadline for applications for a place at the RapiData 2020 
@ SSRL workshop to next Friday, November 22 2019! There are still a few spots 
left, so get your application in!

The workshop will be held from March 30 - April 4  2020 on the SLAC campus in 
Menlo Park, California. The course will comprise hands-on experiments at the 
SSRL beamlines, software tutorials, and lectures on the following topics: 
Specimen preparation, data collection strategies, X-ray light sources, X-ray 
detectors, data reduction, structure solution by MAD, SAD and molecular 
replacement, complementary methods (spectroscopy, small angle scattering and 

Please visit http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/news/rapidata/rapidata-2020/ and use 
the links on the "registration" page to apply for the course. Successful 
applicants will be notified early in December 2019 and invited to register at 
that time. A limited amount of travel support funding may be available.

We look forward to seeing you all out in sunny California in March 2020!

Silvia Russi, Clyde Smith and Jeney Wierman (Organizers)


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