Here are some solved models information (no P 21):

1: 56.69, 75.87, 74.927;     90, 91.857, 90;     P1 21 1;        4 copies
in asynmm unit.
2: 46.732, 32.276, 51.065;    90, 94.372, 90;     P 1 21 1;           1
copy in ASU.
3. 115.631, 115.631, 101.828;    90, 90, 90;    I 41;        2 copies in

The estimated molecules in my new form is 4 copies in ASU.



On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 11:06 AM Eleanor Dodson <>

> Hmm -
> cell dimension of your solved model? Number of molecules in the P21
> crystal?
> Likely number of molecules in asymm unit for your new form?
> Eleanor
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 15:51, Xu, Shenyuan <> wrote:
>> Hello Eleanor,
>> I used the solved one as the input model. The space group of the solved
>> crystals are: P1 21 1, and P 21.
>> I will turn the anomalous processing off.
>> Thanks,
>> Shen
>> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:40 AM Eleanor Dodson <
>>> wrote:
>>> Why dont you use one of your solved structures as a model?
>>> What space group are the solved ones in?
>>> The split spots are not good, but they are well separated and
>>> integration programs are not bad at such spacings? And your R merges etc
>>> look OK.
>>> Just a Q - why turn off the anomalous processing. You dont need to use
>>> it, but at some point it may help you find Ss or Ca or whatever..
>>> Eleanor
>>> On Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 15:24, Xu, Shenyuan <> wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> Thanks for all of your nice suggestions! (Sorry I did not respond to
>>>> individual email to say Thanks.) I have used phaser to go through all
>>>> possible space groups in the same point group(choose "all possible in same
>>>> pointgroup" in the space group menu). I also try P43212 alone. The best
>>>> result I get from phaser is (Top LLG: 26.490, Top TFZ: 6.7, Spacegroup: P41
>>>> 2 2), and refinement ends in the R-work: ~0.54, R-free:~0.57.
>>>> I go back to see the diffraction data, and it seems that spots in the
>>>> high resolution bin are severely split (pictures are attached). I feel like
>>>> the fail of replacement is caused by this. Is this caused by twinning?
>>>> I am looking forward suggestions!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Shenyuan Xu
>>>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 2:58 PM Kay Diederichs <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear  Shenyuan,
>>>>> it seems you assumed P41 21 2 is correct but it isn't - did you try
>>>>> P43 21 2 in molecular replacement?
>>>>> The pointless log file mentions this alternative a few lines above the
>>>>> ones you've quoted.
>>>>> If that does not work, try the other P4x 2y 2 space groups. All of
>>>>> this can be done in a single phaser run (choose "all possible in same
>>>>> pointgroup" in the space group menu).
>>>>> Why did you cut the data at 2.29A? They are very strong in the high
>>>>> resolution shell!
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Kay
>>>>> On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 14:29:13 -0500, Xu, Shenyuan <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >Dear all,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I am working on a protein-glycan complex trying to use molecular
>>>>> >replacement.This protein is a VP8* domain from rotavirus, adopting a
>>>>> >classical galectin-like fold. I already used MR to solve some other
>>>>> strains
>>>>> >(apo-form and complex form). However, When I want to use the same
>>>>> model to
>>>>> >solve this particular strain (sequence identity > 95%), MR seems to be
>>>>> >failed with R=0.54, Free R = 0.57, and the model does not agree with
>>>>> the
>>>>> >electron density map once viewed on coot. One difference of this
>>>>> >protein-glycan complex between others is that the glycan is longer,
>>>>> which
>>>>> >has six carbohydrate unit.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I used imosflm trying to reindex and use pointless to check the space
>>>>> >group, it usually ends up with the current choice:
>>>>> >25_pointless.log
>>>>> >
>>>>> >WARNING! one or more zones have data systematically missing from the
>>>>> input
>>>>> >file
>>>>> >thus we cannot determine if reflections are truly systematically
>>>>> absent
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Best Solution: space group P 41 21 2
>>>>> >Reindex operator: [h,k,l]
>>>>> >Laue group probability: 1.000
>>>>> >Systematic absence probability: 0.995
>>>>> >Total probability: 0.995
>>>>> >Space group confidence: 0.993
>>>>> >Laue group confidence 1.000
>>>>> >
>>>>> >WARNING: You will have to resolve the enantiomorphic ambiguity later
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Unit cell: 106.78 106.78 138.59 90.00 90.00 90.00
>>>>> >
>>>>> >84.58 to 2.43 - Resolution range used for Laue group search
>>>>> >
>>>>> >84.58 to 2.29 - Resolution range in file, used for systematic absence
>>>>> check
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Number of batches in file: 1
>>>>> >
>>>>> >The data do not appear to be twinned, from the L-test
>>>>> >I also use Zanuda to validate the space group, it ends with the same
>>>>> choice:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Step 3.
>>>>> >   Refinement of the best model.
>>>>> >   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >   current time:                                        Nov 06 16:17
>>>>> GMT
>>>>> >   expected end of job:                                 Nov 06 17:06
>>>>> GMT
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>> >   | >>   3   | C 1 2 1    |  0.3736  |  0.5334  |  0.5044  |
>>>>> 0.5586  |
>>>>> >
>>>>>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >   |      1   | P 1        |  0.4058  |  0.5318  |  0.5020  |
>>>>> 0.5624  |
>>>>> >   |      5   | P 1 21 1   |  0.4928  |    --    |  0.4973  |
>>>>> 0.5701  |
>>>>> >   |      9   | P 21 21 21 |  0.5470  |    --    |  0.5011  |
>>>>> 0.5736  |
>>>>> >   |     10   | P 41 21 2  |  0.5749  |    --    |  0.5018  |
>>>>> 0.5778  |
>>>>> >
>>>>>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >   | <<  10   | P 41 21 2  |  0.5749  |    --    |  0.5018  |
>>>>> 0.5778  |
>>>>> >
>>>>>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >
>>>>> >   R-factor in the original subgroup is (almost) the best.
>>>>> >   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be correct.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  The statistics of the dataset seems good:
>>>>> >Summary data for        Project: Test Crystal: A Dataset: 1
>>>>> >
>>>>> >                                           Overall  InnerShell
>>>>> OuterShell
>>>>> >Low resolution limit                       84.58     84.58      2.41
>>>>> >High resolution limit                       2.29      7.23      2.29
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Rmerge  (within I+/I-)                     0.086     0.036     0.564
>>>>> >Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.088     0.036     0.581
>>>>> >Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.093     0.039     0.610
>>>>> >Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.092     0.038     0.604
>>>>> >Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.036     0.015     0.230
>>>>> >Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.026     0.011     0.165
>>>>> >Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.045        -         -
>>>>> >Total number of observations              466972     14511     70743
>>>>> >Total number unique                        37007      1338      5297
>>>>> >Mean((I)/sd(I))                             20.4      44.5       5.0
>>>>> >Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         0.999     0.999     0.947
>>>>> >Completeness                               100.0     100.0     100.0
>>>>> >Multiplicity                                12.6      10.8      13.4
>>>>> >Mean(Chi^2)                                 0.97      0.85      0.86
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Anomalous completeness                     100.0     100.0     100.0
>>>>> >Anomalous multiplicity                       6.5       6.6       6.7
>>>>> >DelAnom correlation between half-sets     -0.172    -0.180    -0.083
>>>>> >Mid-Slope of Anom Normal Probability       0.857       -         -
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Anomalous flag switched OFF in input, anomalous signal is weak
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Estimates of resolution limits: overall
>>>>> >   from half-dataset correlation CC(1/2) >  0.30: limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >   from Mn(I/sd) >  2.00:                         limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >   from Mn(I/sd) >  2.00:                         limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Estimates of resolution limits in reciprocal lattice directions:
>>>>> >  Along h k plane
>>>>> >   from half-dataset correlation CC(1/2) >  0.30: limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >   from Mn(I/sd) >  2.00:                         limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >  Along l axis
>>>>> >   from half-dataset correlation CC(1/2) >  0.30: limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >   from Mn(I/sd) >  2.00:                         limit =  2.29A  ==
>>>>> >maximum resolution
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components), A^2:  6.03
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Average unit cell:   106.78  106.78  138.59   90.00   90.00   90.00
>>>>> >Space group: P 41 21 2
>>>>> >Average mosaicity:   0.27
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Minimum and maximum SD correction factors: Fulls   1.00   1.35
>>>>> Partials
>>>>> >0.00   0.00
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Any suggestions are welcomed!
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Thanks,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Shenyuan Xu
>>>>> >
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