Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to the following job opportunities.

PostDoc Positions (m/f/d) in Cryo-EM
Structural and Cell Biology

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology seeks to fill PostDoc Positions in 
Cryo-EM  (m/f/d).

The positions are available immediately in the Department of Structural 
Biochemistry (Director: Stefan Raunser) and are initially limited to 2 years.

Job description: Our research focuses on structural and functional studies of 
macromolecular protein complexes by single particle electron cryo-microscopy 
(cryo-EM), electron cryotomography (cryo-ET), X-ray crystallography, 
biochemical and biophysical methods. There are three projects available in the 
lab concentrating on the structural organization of muscles, cytoskeletal 
proteins and bacterial toxin complexes using single particle cryo-EM and/or 

Requirements: The successful candidates hold an excellent PhD in structural 
biology, biochemistry, biophysics or physics. Experience in electron 
microscopy, in particular single particle cryo-EM or cryo-ET is not essential 
but will be considered highly advantageous. Strong written and oral 
communication skills in English and excellent computational skills are required.

Payment: Payment of Postdocs depends on personal conditions and qualification 
according to the directive of TVöD. Social benefits correspond to those of the 
public service.

Application: The Max Planck Society (MPG) is committed to increasing the number 
of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages 
applications from such qualified individuals.

The MPG seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are 
underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply.

Furthermore the MPG strives for gender equality and diversity within its 

Please send your CV, two references and a statement outlining your interests 
and relevant work experience until November 08, 2019 to Stefan Raunser at<>


Prof. Dr. Stefan Raunser | Director | Dep. Structural Biochemistry | Max Planck 
Institute of Molecular Physiology | Otto-Hahn-Straße 11, 44227 Dortmund, 
Germany | +49 231 133 2300


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