Dear CCP4bb Users,

The new and fully-upgraded macromolecular crystallography beamline at CHESS, 
FlexX, is now accepting Rapid Access proposals for the Fall 2019 run. Rapid 
Access ensures fast proposal review turnaround (two weeks or less) for access 
to slots still available for this run. Please include the words "RAPID ACCESS" 
in the proposal title when submitting for rapid turnaround.

SPRING 2020 RUN: The regular proposal deadline for the Spring 2020 run is Oct. 
28, 2019.

The FlexX station (beamline ID7B2) is the all-new macromolecular 
crystallography station at CHESS. The recently completed CHESS upgrade has 
considerably improved our capabilities in order to meet the the stringent 
demands of every user. Current capabilities include:
* undulator source with multilayer monochromator for high flux. 7-14 keV energy 
range. Standard beam sizes available: 100 x 100 um (H x V FWHM) and 10 x 10 um 
* single-axis goniostat, PILATUS3 6M detector, BAM2 automounter accepting 
* remote data collection with on-site CHESS staff scientist support
* we welcome "non-standard" experiments! The staff at CHESS is more than happy 
to work with users who want to perform experiments beyond standard rotation 
cryocrystallography. Interested in trying serial crystallography for 
room-temperature data collection, or microcrystals? High-pressure cryocooling 
for reduced mosaicity? High-pressure crystallography with a diamond anvil cell? 
We can accommodate your needs and more!

Interested? Learn how to submit a proposal here:

Feel free to contact me with any questions!


Aaron Finke
Staff Scientist, MacCHESS
Cornell University


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