Dear Colleagues, 

I am recruiting for two positions in my laboratory 
( <>) at 
the University of California, Davis.  Our Laboratory is focused on structural 
mechanisms of molecular machines that regulate tubulin heterodimer biogenesis, 
dynamic microtubule polymerization, and mechanisms of mitotic kinesin motor 
proteins. There are well-developed projects in our laboratory to elucidate 
mechanisms of these multi-subunit complexes using the biochemical 
reconstitution, cryo-EM and / or x-ray crystallography and validate these 
mechanisms using single molecule fluorescence reconstitution with microtubules. 

Our laboratory has extensive setups for protein production, biochemical 
characterization, x-ray crystallography, full access to a cryo-EM sample 
preparation setup, a semi-automated side-entry JEOL 2100F for sample screening, 
and an automated 200 KV Glacios equipped with an autoloader and a Gatan K3 
detector.  UC-Davis is a member of the Bay Area Cryo-EM consortium with monthly 
access to Titan Krios microscopes for high-resolution data collection.  for 
example multi-disciplinary studies: 

Assistant Project Scientist:
The suitable candidates should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or 
biophysics and has successfully completed postdoctoral training in either 
single particle cryo-EM and/or x-ray crystallography with extensive expertise 
in molecular cloning, recombinant protein production and purification using 
bacteria, and insect or mammalian expression systems: <>

Postdoctoral fellow:
The suitable candidates should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or 
biophysics with expertise in either single particle cryo-EM and/or x-ray 
crystallography, molecular cloning, recombinant protein production and 
purification using bacteria, and insect or mammalian expression systems: <>

 Please send any informal inquiries to 
<>. Please include a cover letter, CV, statement of 
research accomplishments, and two to three reference letters.  


Jawdat M Al-Bassam Ph.D.
Molecular Cellular Biology
University of California Davis

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