Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to bring this great opportunity to join us at UC Davis as an Assistant 
Professor to the communities attention (

The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, in the College of Biological 
Sciences, University of California, Davis, invites applications for a 
tenure-track faculty position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level. The Department 
seeks outstanding candidates investigating fundamental questions in modern 
biology that will add to or complement existing strengths in structural biology 
and biochemistry.

Competitive applicants must have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in biological 
sciences-related fields and have demonstrated outstanding potential in their 
field. Candidates will be expected to develop a strong dynamic independent 
research program and to share our commitment to scholarly undergraduate and 
graduate education. We are especially interested in candidates who demonstrate 
an ability to integrate multi-disciplinary approaches into their proposed 
research, including cryo-electron microscopy.
The BIOEM facility at UC Davis contains a new Thermo Scientific 200 kV Glacios 
electron microscope with GATAN K3 detector and autoloader. As well as a JEOL 
JEM-1230 electron microscope used for sample optimization via negative stain 
and a JEOL JEM-2100F electron microscope with Direct Electron (DE)-20 detector 
for cryoEM grid screening and optimization. The facility also contains an EMS 
100X glow discharger, FEI Vitrobot Mach III and Bench Top Turbo III carbon 
coater for cryoEM grid preparation. The facility manager Dr. Fei Guo has 
extensive experience with grid optimization and high-resolution data collection 
for single-particle cryoEM structure determination. In addition to the 
necessary computational resources for operating the microscopes the facility 
contains, two dual-GPU, 12-cpu computers and two Quad-GPU 24-cpu computers for 
on-the-fly and routine data processing, as well as a 130 TB storage array. 
Additionally, Computer Science and Engineering at UC Davis manages a 
high-performance computing cluster (named crick) for the Department of 
Molecular and Cellular Biology. As a member of the Molecular and Cellular 
Biology department your lab would have full access to these computational 
resources. Crick is composed of 29 nodes:  one head node, 12 nodes with 24 CPUs 
and 64 GB RAM each, four nodes with 32 CPUs and 64 GB of RAM each, two ‘bigmem’ 
nodes with 64 CPUs and 512 GB of RAM each and three GPU nodes operated by the 
Al-Bassam lab with 40 CPUs, 8 GPUs and 288 GB of RAM each.

We are a 90-minute drive from the Bay Area (depending on traffic 😊), which is 
home to many world-class research institutions and cryoEM resources. As members 
of the Bay Area Cryo-EM (BACEM) consortium we have regular monthly access to 
Titan Krios microscopes at UCSF and regular bi-annual meetings with other 
cryo-EM groups from Stanford, UC SF, UC Berkeley and industry. UC Davis also 
has easy access to two national cryo-EM centers: The National Center for 
Macromolecular Imaging (NCMI) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and 
the Pacific Northwest Center for Cryo-EM (PNCC) at Oregon Health Sciences 
University. These NIH-supported centers provide access to state of the art 
cryo-EM sample preparation equipment and microscopes.

I joined the department less than one year ago (November 2018) to set up my 
research program in Structural Biology and Biochemistry and it has been a 
really great experience. Everyone here is extremely supportive and are eager to 
invest in biochemistry and cryo-EM. We have fantastic undergrads, graduate 
students, facilities people and academic support. Although I am originally from 
North American (Canada), I came to Davis via Europe (IST Austria) and got great 
support throughout the whole process: relocation, visa application, permanent 
residency, home buying etc. So don’t hesitate to apply from anywhere in the 

Overall it is a great place to live and set up your independent research 
program. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!

All the best,


James A Letts, PhD
Assistant Professor<>
Briggs Hall, Rm 25

Laboratory of Electron Transport Membrane Proteins and Structural Bioenergetics
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616


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