Dear All, We have post-doctoral positions available in our laboratory to work on cutting edge projects related to GPCR biology (structural studies using X-ray and cryo-EM, discovering new signaling pathways, and generating synthetic tools to modulate receptor signaling).
We are looking for candidates with relevant prior experience (protein biochemistry, cell signaling, X-ray crystallography and cry-EM). Please refer to Cell Reports, 2019; Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2018 Jun;25(6):538-545; Nature Nanotechnology. 2017 Dec;12(12):1190-1198; Nature Communications, 2016 Nov 9;7:13416; Cell, 2016 Aug 11;166(4):907-19; Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2015 Feb;16(2):69-81; Cell, 2014 Dec 18;159(7):1712; Trends Biochem Sci, 2014 Dec;39(12):594-602; Nature, 2014 Aug 14;512(7513):218-22; Nature, 2013 May 2;497(7447):137-41 for a general overview of the research direction and experimental approaches. Interested applicants are requested to send their CV and the name of three referees to ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: