Dear Mike,

No problem! Happy to provide suggestions, though I'd prefer to be addressed 
directly on here.

Here's another suggestion, no promises. If you can provide more detail on the 
GUI input and the output log files, it would be easier to know why this is 
happening in the first place. However, you can also click and hold "Run" in 
ccp4i and select "Run&View Com File". Then you will receive each program's 
command line input and you can edit them before you run them. I suggest 
removing or correcting any instances of `XMLOUT <filename>`.  

Thanks Andrew for confirming with Phil on the behaviour of pointless. I have 
looked at the ccp4i interface and cannot find any option for enabling XML 
output for pointless in the Symmetry/scale/merge pipeline. The option to output 
to XML in the standalone pointless does not seem to transfer this to the 
command line options, but Mike is probably using the former GUI input window 
anyway. As such I'm not sure where the XMLOUT command is coming from.

Best wishes

> Dear Andrew,
> Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, you are right that the error is because .xml 
> file is not being written. but not able to find the reasons...I 
> checked...Disk space is free and have permission to write also. I could able 
> to run Pointless, but not Aimless. 
> Any other reason??
> Thanks
> Mike
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 5:37 PM Andrew Leslie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>    I think Helen’s answer is absolutely right. I asked Phil Evans about this 
> when I saw him yesterday, and he said that error usually arises when it is 
> not possible to write the xml file, either because a disk is full, or because 
> you do not have permission to write to that area.
>    Andrew
>>    On 3 Jul 2019, at 15:09, Mike Xishan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>    Dear all,
>>    Sorry for asking for a very naive question that might be asked before.
>>    After integration, I am trying to do "data reduction" through Aimless, 
>> but task fails with an error message as
>>    #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "FILEIO: cannot open file 
>> /Processing1_8_pointless.xml
>>    I really appreciate for your opinion and help to fix this problem.
>>    Thanks, 
>>    Mike
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