Hello everyone,

I have the following problem:

I have some really good data sets of about 1.6 A which could be processed in P 6 2 2 as well as in P 3 2 1. Intensity statistics tests indicate twinning (merohedral, twinning law: -h, -k, l, in P 3 2 1). But I did not find a good MR solution (R value around 60%) and when I try to refine it with the twin law I get really bad maps.

However I could get one data set where the intensity statistics tests did not indicate twinning and I have already managed to solve the structure.

SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER:  154 (P 3 (2) 2 1)
UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS:    57.56    57.56   159.98  90.000  90.000 120.000
number of molecules in asymmetric unit: 2
NCS: yes

I could see a lot of amino acids in the electron density which were not in the search model.

But it seems like most of my crystals are twinned. For a fragment screen which I would like to do I need to solve the twinned data sets, otherwise I have to search again for another crystallization condition.

I don't know what to do next to solve the twinned data sets. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!!


Some information about the results from Xtriage:

            ----------Statistics independent of twin laws----------

  <I^2>/<I>^2 : 1.586  (untwinned: 2.0, perfect twin: 1.5)
  <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.870  (untwinned: 0.785, perfect twin: 0.885)
  <|E^2-1|>   : 0.564  (untwinned: 0.736, perfect twin: 0.541)
  <|L|>       : 0.380  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
  <L^2>       : 0.208  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
  Multivariate Z score L-test: 12.491

Marina Ley

PhD Student, Research Group Professor Dr. Klebe

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Philipps-University Marburg

Marbacher Weg 6, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Phone: +49 6421 28 21392

E-Mail: marina....@pharmazie.uni-marburg.de



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