Dear Colleagues, It is time to register to your favorite Structural Biology meeting in Europe! You’ll have the great opportunity to present your work, meet your peers, create collaborations and learn about the latest techniques in the Structural Biology field. The meeting is limited to 100 participants, so do not wait too long to register.
REGISTRATION HERE<> This year, the Regio2019 will take place on the shore of Lac Leman in October 2019; Monday 14th (after 5pm) to Wednesday 16th (until 2pm) October. The venue is at Hotel du Leman ( We warmly thank our keynote speakers: § Dr. Hugues Nury (IBS, Grenoble)<>, Specialist in structural biology of membrane machineries. § Dr. Martin Pilhofer (ETHZ, Zurich)<>, Expert in electron cryo-tomography with a special focus on in situ bacterial macromolecular complexes. § Dr. Gaia Barazzetti (UNIL, Lausanne),<> Researcher in scientific integrity & misconducts. Her talk will be followed by an open discussion. The excursion will take place on the Tuesday afternoon at Chaplin’s world<>, located at walking distance from the venue. Do not hesitate to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested in joining. We are very grateful to our current sponsors: Bruker<>, Roche<>, Dectris<> and Lubio Science<>. Looking forward to seeing you in October! Best, Florence Pojer ______________________________________________ Florence Pojer, PhD Head of the Protein Production and Structure Core Facility EPFL-SV-PTPSP- Station 19 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland CH - +41216931976 ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: