Dear bulletin board,
A postdoctoral position is available at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Division of Chemistry 2, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. The project is focused on overexpression, purification, and crystallization of human integral membrane enzymes involved in the generation of lipid mediators of inflammation, all of which are drug targets. MBB is one of the largest departments at Karolinska Institutet equipped with a range of state-of-the-art technologies in basic research, in particular, structural biology, proteomics, imaging, and animal models. It hosts world-leading groups in areas such as molecular neurobiology, matrix biology, vascular biology, redox regulation, and lipid mediators of inflammation, which together create a vibrant research environment. A prospective candidate should hold a recently obtained PhD in structural biology, biochemistry or a related area and a strong background in protein chemistry, crystallization and structure determination by X-ray crystallography and/or Cryo-EM, specifically membrane proteins. The position is initially available for 2 years with a possibility of extension. Interested candidates should send a letter of intention and CV including references as a single PDF file by email to and The position will remain open until filled. Best wishes, Madhu. Madhuranayaki Thulasingam, PhD Division of Chemistry II Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Karolinska Institute Biomedicum 9A Solnavägen 17165, Solna Stockholm, Sweden. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: