Can you attach the pointlesslog and maybe also aimless & ctruncate logs?
ctruncate will check for any non-translational vector..

But missing I cemntring shouldnt stop you solving the structure? If it is
real you would hope to find two solutions seperated by 1/2, 1/2, 1/2.


On Fri, 19 Apr 2019 at 19:11, Almudena Ponce Salvatierra <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm processing my data with XDS and with DIALS and at first sight it would 
> seem reasonable to assume that the Laue group is
> either orthorrombic or monoclinic. Autoprocessing brings me always to 
> P212121, but I have tried also to solve the
> structure in space groups 1, 3, 4, 16, 17 and 18, without success.
> Pointless gives the following warning:
> WARNING:  The data were integrated on a primitive lattice, but show some 
> apparent features of a centered
>   lattice of type I, Mean(E^2) for lattice absences = 1.15
>  However, it might be pseudo-centered, due to translational 
> non-crystallographic symmetry
>  Mn(I/sigI) for potentially absent reflections in the first  7 resolution 
> bins = 4.76 is significantly above 0.0
> Rough estimated probability of true centering = 0.714
> NB: I lattice was chosen for further analysis rather than lattice type I
> Best Solution:    space group P 21 21 21
>    Reindex operator:                   [h,k,l]
>    Laue group probability:             0.762
>    Systematic absence probability:     0.682
>    Total probability:                  0.520
>    Space group confidence:             0.478
>    Laue group confidence               0.702
> However XDS doesn't give me option to choose any other lattices if not those 
> in which I have already failed to
> solve the structure, those marked with starts that are consistent with the 
> observed locations of the diffraction spots.
> So, I don't know what to do, I'm guessing it could be that it is C222, C2221 
> or C2 as well... but when I try space groups 5, 20 or 21 XDS
> gets stalled and DIALS can not proceed with the step of refinement.
> I'll be very thankful for any suggestions on how to continue on this 
> venture...
> Have a nice weekend and a happy Easter!
> Best,
> Almudena
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