Last week for the low-rate registration at the 7th International School on 
Biological Crystallization (ISBC2019).

  May 26th to 31st, in Granada, Spain. 2019

For more information, please visit

Best regards,

The ISBC 2019 Organizing Committee


    Bernhard Rupp, k. k. Hofkristallamt, US.
    Terese Bergfors, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Janet Newman, CSIRO, Australia.
    Martin Caffrey, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
    Petra Fromme, Arizona State University, US.
    Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
    Joseph Ng, University of Alabama, US.
    Jeroen Mesters, University of Lüebeck, Germany.
    Howard Einspahr, IUCr Journal Comission, US.
    José A. Gavira, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
    Hudel Luecke, University of Oslo, Norway.
    Naoko Mizuno, Max Planck Institute, Germany.
    Sergio Martínez, UGR, Spain.
    Ivana K. Smatanova, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
    Nadine Candoni, CINam-Marseille, France.
    Claude Sauter, IBMC, CNRS, France.
    Christian Betzel, University of Hamburg, Germany.
    Fermin Otálora, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
    Christian Biertümpfel, Max Planck Institute, Germany.
    Edward H. Snell, Hauptman-Woodward Institute, Buffalo, US.
    May Marsh, Swiss Light Source at Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss.
    Jose Manuel Martin-Garcia, Arizona State University, US.
    Katsuo Tsukamoto, Osaka University, Japan
    Lata Govada, Imperial Collague, London, UK.
    Guillermo Calero, University of Pittsburg, US.
    Monica Budayova-Spano, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.
    Pavlína Řezáčová, University of Prague, Czech Republic.
    Abel Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de México, México.
    Tom Peat, CSIRO, Australia.


    Nucleation: Classical and non-classical approaches.
    Crystal growth kinetics and mechanisms.
    Properties of macromolecular solutions (DLS/SAXS).
    Screening: The search for crystallization conditions
    Crystallization techniques: Batch, Vapour and Counter Diffusion, MMS, How 
do they work?
    Crystallization and diffusion transport: gels, microfluidics and 
    Crystallization of large crystals for Neutron diffraction.
    In vivo crystallization of tiny crystals for XFEL.
    Serial Crystallography.
    Polymorphism in protein crystals.
    Membrane protein crystallization: Lipid cubic phase, bicelles and 
    Crystallization of Macromolecular Complexes.
    Electron microscopy for structural studies
    Sample manipulation, preparation and characterization by electron 


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