Thanks, Eleanor!
what i really want to do with this script is to compare ligand binding
sites from many structures in several space groups. So, I want to move
coordinates and density onto one reference molecule. Since we ran into
issues, I used this dimer structure as a simple test case.

The script you outlined, only recreates the same density w/o any rotation.

mapmask \

mapin AB_full-cell.ccp4 \

xyzin B.pdb \

mskout B.msk \

<< eof

border 5


maprot \

mapin AB_full-cell.ccp4 \

mskin B.msk \

mapout \

<< eof



rota euler 152.440   110.243    28.112

TRANS      -42.212     5.510   -57.243



Btw, I had to remove the rota euler 0 0 0 / trans 0 0 0 lines. Maprot
complained about too many operators.

The odd thing -to me- is that when I shift a map around molecule B or the
dimer (mapmask with border 5) with a small amount ( euler 1 0 0  or trans
0.5 0.5 0.5) the map does not look jagged at the edges of the molecule,
while it does when I rotate the full amount to match B on A:

maprot  \

wrkin \

mapout \

 << eof

CELL xtal 61.0100   142.3600    68.2800    90.0000    97.1980    90.0000

GRID xtal 100 228 112



rota euler  1 0 0

TRANS       0 0 0




On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 3:49 AM Eleanor Dodson <>

> Hmm - I find maprot extremely confusing, but remember a wrkmap does not
> use any symmetry so maybe that is why some is lost.
> I would have done this, but I havent tested it. And the documentation is
> SERIOUSLY confusing!!
> Do I understand you want to ADD the density for mol B to that of Mol A
> mapmask mapin
> xyzin A.pdb
> mskout A-mol.msk
> Then
> maprot
> mapin
> mskin A-mol.msk                         ! only density withing this mask
> is interesting
> mapout
> MODE to
> rota euler 0 0 0                    ! to pick up mol A density
> trans 0 0 0
> rota euler 152.440   110.243    28.112   ! to rotate map by B to A
> rotation
> TRANS      -42.212     5.510   -57.243
> end
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2019 at 04:58, Jan Abendroth <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> thanks for the feedback. Suggestions like coot or pymol won't work for us
>> well, since we will have to do this with dozens of structures/maps.So, I'd
>> rather have this scripted.
>> Still running into some issues that I think relate to maprot.
>> My understanding is that I first have to create a map covering molecule B
>> that I want to map on A. Checking the extend of the map in chimera confirms
>> that this worked:
>> mapmask \
>> mapin \
>> xyzin 2mol_B.pdb \
>> mapout \
>> << eof
>> border 5
>> eof
>> Next, I need to rotate/translate the map in maprot. Since in maprot,
>> mapin requires a map that covers the unit cell, I use wrkin and 'mode to'
>> as below. In this script, the cell and grid values are the same mapdump
>> provides me for the map. The rotation and translation are from superpose,
>> RMSD of that superposition is 0.5Å.
>> maprot  \
>> wrkin \
>> mapout \
>>  << eof
>> CELL xtal 61.0100   142.3600    68.2800    90.0000    97.1980    90.0000
>> GRID xtal 100 228 112
>> MODE to
>> rota euler 152.440   110.243    28.112
>> TRANS      -42.212     5.510   -57.243
>> eof
>> The issue now is that the superposed map for the center of molecule A
>> looks great. Towards the edges of the molecule it gets weaker, does not
>> match up with the molecule or stops entirely. Again, molecule and maps
>> between A and B, as visualized in Coot by NCS hopping, are very similar.
>> I am still quite puzzled by what is happening. I guess I am missing
>> something in maprot. Any input would be appreciated. This is public
>> data, so I would be happy to share the data.
>> Cheers,
>> Jan
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 9:26 PM Jan Abendroth <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> this should be easy, scripting the rotation of a map.
>>> Purpose for this is: Superimpose several structures of the same protein
>>> that crystallized in different space groups, and then drag the maps along.
>>> As a simple test, I took a dimeric protein and try to superimpose
>>> molecule B along with the map on molecule A.
>>> The execution should be straightforward:
>>> a) take a map that covers the unit cell (fft),
>>> b) generate a mask around molecule B (mapmask),
>>> c) apply rotation/translation that I obtain from superimposing molecule
>>> B on molecule A.
>>> The issue is that the obtained map covers both molecule A and B (not a
>>> big deal), more importantly, it cuts of certain areas on both molecules.
>>> Molecule A and B have low RMSDs (0.5Å).
>>> I must be missing something fairly obvious, have not been able to see
>>> what. Feedback would be much appreciated. Scripts are below.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jan
>>> mapmask \
>>> mapin \
>>> xyzin 2mol_B.pdb \
>>> mskout 2mol_2mFo-DFc_2mol_B.msk \
>>> << eof
>>> border 2
>>> eof
>>> maprot  \
>>> mapin \
>>> mskin 2mol_2mFo-DFc_2mol_B.msk \
>>> wrkout \
>>>  << eof
>>> MODE from
>>> AVER
>>> ROTA euler  152.440   110.243    28.112
>>> TRANS     -42.212     5.510   -57.243
>>> eof
>>> --
>>> Jan Abendroth
>>> Seattle / Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
>>> home:
>> --
>> Jan Abendroth
>> Emerald Biostructures
>> Seattle / Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
>> home:
>> work:
>> ------------------------------
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Jan Abendroth
Emerald Biostructures
Seattle / Bainbridge Island, WA, USA


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