As part of our MRC-GCRF project we have two PhD positions to start in October 2019 in the area of Neglected Tropical Diseases that affect approximately one-sixth of the world's population. Further information on our network can be found at
The first project led by Dr. Steven Cobb ( The development of new peptide and peptoid based treatments for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) will adopt chemical and biological tools to elucidate the mode of action of peptides/peptoids that have peviously been identified as lead compounds. The successful candidate wil be trained in a range of chemical and biological techniques and while the project will be primarily based in Durham, certain aspects will be carried out during a placements with our partner in Rio de Janeiro. The second project led by Dr. Ehmke Pohl ( Discovering new drug targets in the Sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway of protozoan parasites will focus on the characterisation of enzymes of the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway as potential novel drug targets. The succesful candidates will employ a wide range of biochemical, biophysical and structural techniques ranging from X-ray crystallography to small angle X-ray scattering and if feasible cryo Electron Microsopy. While the project will be based in Durham, the work plan offers the opportunity of placements with our partners in India and/or Latin America. Applicants will have a Master degree at 2:1 level or equivalent. The position is fully funded and open to UK, EU or international students. Applicants should send a CV (no more than 2 pages), a one-page summary why they are interested in this particular project as well as contact details of up to 3 references). ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: