Or do sitting drop, it's much easier all round. Frank

Sent from tiny silly touch screen
From: Minmin Yu <m...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2019 21:42
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Is there any alternative to siliconized glass coverslips 
for crystallization?

Yeah I used to use Fisher Scientific square plastic cover slips. Now I am using 
Sigma 22x22mm (Z36,590-4, 100 each Lot10B084279) smaller sized ones. These 
plastic ones are much more durable than the glass ones and are very easy to be 
handled. They work very well for both hanging drops or for sitting drops 
sealing with grease.


On 31 Jan 2019, at 21:14, Daniel M. Himmel, Ph. D. 
<danielmhim...@gmail.com<mailto:danielmhim...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Fisher Scientific makes 22 inch square plastic cover slips, which are labeled 
"Fisherbrand Unbreakable
Cover Slips".

I and my colleagues have used them for over 15 years instead of siliconized 
glass coverslips.
Just dip each one in ethanol to clean before use, dry with an air blower, and 
use it to set up
your drops.  They work like a charm.  They come 100 to a box.  Check the Fisher 
Scientific catalog.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 3:17 AM Rajnandani Kashyap 
<kashyap.rajnand...@gmail.com<mailto:kashyap.rajnand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear All
I am a PhD student who requires lots of coverslips (!!) for setting up hanging 
drop crystallization. The company sells it for a huge amount. Also there is a 
wide monetary difference between a normal siliconized coverslip and a 22mm 
siliconized circle coverslips. We tried to search for an alternative companies 
but couldn't get any one who sells coverslips with the same dimensions 
(0.19-0.22mm glass thickness and 22 mm glass diameter). Is there any 
alternative company (distribution in India) from where we can buy them for a 
reasonable price?
Thanks in advance for sparing your valuable time and efforts.

Rajnandani Kashyap


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