Hello Jacob

I know it was a bit of a cynical joke and I know it does hurt ...  After
all my mother's Ellis Island records are dated 1923. Our last family
reunion was 15 years ago in Illinois and Missouri. My Mid-West raised uncle
was torpedoed off the coast of Cape Canaveral in 1942 transporting US
military equipment. And, then again, my youngest son is a US citizen. At
the same time, I also need to defend the integrity of scientific Canada in
name of my late Canadian sister who was an excellent biochemist. And no,
none of us were ever a member of the flat earth society (as far as I
know)!  ;)
Lets hope for a happier 2019!


On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 11:07 AM Keller, Jacob <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>

> 6)     I most sincerely hope that, if I stick to my five New Year’s
> resolutions and stop wasting the cryo-EM community’s time, my fellow
> Canadians will not extradite me to the fake-news country at our southern
> border.
> I know this is a joke, but we in the USA are not a fake news people, and
> please don’t punish us for the sins of our leadership--it’s painful for
> many of us.
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