As part of the Newcastle-Liverpool-Durham BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership 
(DTP) we have one competitive position on the interface between chemistry and 
biosciences on the development of new herbicides. The global demand for safe 
and sustainable food production is constantly rising due to global population 
growth coupled with the global success in fighting extreme poverty which in 
turn is leading to improved and changed diets. While global resources are 
limited, multiple herbicide resistance (MHR) in grass weeds, such as Black 
grass has emerged as a major threat to cereal production in the UK and beyond. 
Recently, the phi-class glutathionine transferase (GSTF1) has been identified 
as the key player of non-target site resistance in Black-grass. In order to 
unravel the molecular mechanism of MHR we have solved the high-resolution 
crystals structure of AmGSTF1 (Pohl group), and in parallel developed a series 
of specific ligands (Steel groups). These compounds possess significant 
potential as molecular probes and as herbicide additives.

Find more information about the DTP and the application process here:

Doctoral Training Partnership - Faculty of Medical 
An exceptional programme led by three of the UK’s top Universities. Our 
partnership provides an opportunity for the next generation of young 
researchers to address outstanding scientific questions in the biosciences, 
this is an exceptional programme of research training which emphasises the 
interdisciplinary nature of modern biology.

Contact me directly for more information (


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