Dear all,

We two new ERC-funded postdoc positions open in our lab at the Francis Crick 
Institute in central London.

We combine high-resolution cryo-EM with time-resolved methods to image 
eukaryotic chromatin replication as it occurs in a test tube at cellular rates.

We have a fully equipped biochemistry lab, and in-house access to 2 Titan 
Krios, 1 Talos Arctica and 2 Tecnai G2 Spirit electron microscopes.

We look for researchers with an expertise in biochemistry (chromatin and 
polymerases in particular), cryo-EM or crystallography.

For further information, please visit our website

The Costa Lab - The Francis Crick Institute - London, 
The Costa Lab is a Crick institute cryo-EM laboratory imaging DNA replication 
reactions at cellular rates

and contact<>

Best regards,


Alessandro Costa
The Francis Crick Institute
1 Midland Road
London NW1 1AT
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 37961812

The Francis Crick Institute Limited is a registered charity in England and 
Wales no. 1140062 and a company registered in England and Wales no. 06885462, 
with its registered office at 1 Midland Road London NW1 1AT


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