Dear all,
I would like to bring to your attention the following opening.
Yves Muller

Osnabrück University's School of Biology/Chemistry invites applications for the following professorship to start as soon as possible:

Structural Biology (Bes.Gr. W3)

We are looking for an internationally renowned researcher with a future-oriented and independent focus in the field of structural biology with a focus on the function and dynamics of protein complexes on cellular structures. The research group's methodological expertise must be in the field of high-resolution methods such as cryo-electron microscopy (EM), EM tomography and/or X-ray structure analysis. In addition, competence in the analysis of membrane proteins and the interaction of proteins with membranes should be available.

The position holder should actively participate in current and planned research collaborations with the schools of biology/chemistry and physics such as the Collaborative Research Centre 944 (Physiology and Dynamics of Cellular Microcompartments) and new initiatives on the topics of "nanobiophotonics" and "evolutionary cell biology". Further requirements are an active participation in the interdisciplinary Center for Cellular Nanoanalytics in Osnabrück (CellNanOs) and a successful acquisition of third-party funding.

Questions regarding this position should be directed to Prof. Dr. Joost Holthuis, email: <>)


Prof. Yves Muller               Phone: +49-(0)-9131-8523082, 8523081
Lehrstuhl fuer Biotechnik                FAX:   +49-(0)-9131-8523080
Department Biologie
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nuernberg
Im IZMP, Henkestrasse 91, D-91052 Erlangen


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