Dear all, The National Center for CryoEM Access and Training (NCCAT;<>) is a new cryoEM service center funded by the NIH Common Fund ( Located at the Simons Electron Microscopy Center (<>), which is a part of the New York Structural Biology Center (<>) in New York City, the mission of NCCAT is twofold: to provide nationwide access to advanced cryoEM technical capabilities, and to assist users in the development of cryoEM skills needed for independent research.
We announce the opening of General User Proposal (GUP) applications for limited early access to instrument time. There will be a rolling call for proposals with quarterly cycles and access starting the beginning of Q4 2018 (October). This initial cycle supports single particle cryoEM data collection on one of our existing Titan Krios instruments using a Gatan K2 direct-electron detector. Applicants should have pre-screened cryoEM samples with pre-processing results (representative micrograph, 2D class averages, and initial reconstruction, if available) from the same batch of grids to be submitted for data collection at NCCAT. Additional classes of proposals will be opened when the new NCCAT wing at NYSBC completes construction (expected the summer of 2019). NCCAT is committed to an open and transparent application process to ensure equal-opportunity nationwide access. For more information see Interested users should submit applications through the NCCAT proposal system at: Best, Ed Eng (NCCAT) --- Edward T. Eng, Ph.D. National Center for CryoEM Access and Training Simons Electron Microscopy Center New York Structural Biology Center 89 Convent Avenue, NY, NY 10027<><> ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: