Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the IFSC/CCP4 Molecular Crystallography School
“From data processing to structure refinement and beyond”, held at Sao
Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC), University of Sao Paulo (USP), Sao
Carlos, SP, Brazil.

All details can be found at

Dates: November 14th through 24th, 2018

Venue: Sao Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC), University of Sao Paulo
(USP), Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil.

The school comprises:
Theoretical and in-depth tutorial training on state-of-the-art methods in
macromolecular crystallography;
Main Topics: Diffraction data processing; Phasing and structure
determination; and Model refinement and validation;
Crystallographic computation workshop: will feature many modern
crystallographic software packages taught by the authors and other experts.
The daily schedule will be organized into three sessions – lectures,
tutorials, and hands-on activities, with interactive troubleshooting of the
technical difficulties the participants face in their projects.

Applicants: Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young
scientists at the assistant professor level, are encouraged to apply. Only
25 applicants will be selected for participation. Participants of the
workshop are strongly encouraged to bring their own problem datasets so the
problems can be addressed during the hands-on/discussion sessions.

Application: Application deadline is September 30th. The application form,
program, contact info and other details can be found at

The registration for application is free. Few scholarships to cover travel
expenses for students from Brazil and Latin America will be available.
Accommodation expenses will be covered to all participants. More
instructions will be provided once the selection process is completed.

We hope to see you at the school.
Garib, Kyle, Ronan, Richard, and Joao.

Joao Muniz
Sao Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC)
University of Sao Paulo (USP)
Laboratorio de Biologia Estrutural (LBEst)
Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil.


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