TheDepartment for Molecular Structural Biology at theGeorg-August-University Goettingen ( to recruit a postdoctoral scientist in structural biology witha research focus directed towards the structure and dynamics ofprotein-RNA complexes.
Theadvertised position is suitable for candidates with strong expertisein the preparation of protein-RNA complexes as well as X-ray crystallography and/or single particle cryo-EM. Aninitial contract of 2 years will be offered to the successfulcandidate. TheUniversity of Göttingen is committed to increase the number ofindividuals with disabilities in its workforce and thereforeencourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore,the University of Göttingen seeks to increase the number of women inthose areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitlyencourages women to apply. The University of Göttingen is afamily-friendly employer and promotes the compatibility of family andcareer. Pleasesend your application as single PDF file by E-mail to Prof. Dr. RalfFicner (, Department of MolecularStructural Biology, GZMB, University Goettingen, Germany. Closingdate for applications: August 15, 2018. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: