Hi, All CCP4 users,

This might be a  little off-topic, but I cannot find a mail list for XDS.
During XDS processing, we can exclude the resolution range to "remove" ice
In my case, when I excluded these range, the completeness at this range
will be much lower, ~45%.
N  1/d^2    Dmid    Nmeas     Nref    Ncent  %poss C%poss Mlplct   AnoCmp
AnoFrc AnoMlt   $$ $$
  16  0.0582   4.15    25565     4013       54   95.2   98.9    6.4
 94.6   99.2    3.2
 17  0.0619   4.02    26217     4167       54   95.6   98.6    6.3
 94.7   99.0    3.2
 18  0.0657   3.90    11393     1973       23   44.4   94.2    5.8
 41.2   92.5    3.1
 19  0.0694   3.79    31643     4556       60   99.0   94.6    6.9
 98.7   99.7    3.5
 20  0.0732   3.70    14014     2149       30   45.4   90.9    6.5
 43.7   96.1    3.4
 21  0.0769   3.61    29456     4242       57   87.5   90.7    6.9
 86.1   98.4    3.5
 22  0.0807   3.52    35722     4940       61   99.3   91.3    7.2
 99.2   99.8    3.6

If I included these resolution range, the completeness is more than 90%.
However, when look at the  Mn(I/sd), it does not follow Willson law at high
Is there a compromise to just exclude partial of these region?

N  1/d^2    Dmid   Rmrg  Rfull   Rcum  Rmeas   Rpim    Nmeas      AvI
RMSdev    sd  I/RMS Mn(I/sd)  FrcBias  Chi^2 Chi^2c   $$ $$
  1  0.0017  24.37  0.037  0.037  0.037  0.043  0.022     4236     1235
112     65   11.0     42.7     -      1.30   0.97
  2  0.0050  14.07  0.041  0.041  0.038  0.047  0.024     8627      389
 32     24   12.1     37.3     -      0.99   0.98
  3  0.0084  10.90  0.040  0.040  0.039  0.046  0.023    11346      438
 37     26   11.7     37.3     -      0.97   0.96
  4  0.0118   9.21  0.044  0.044  0.040  0.051  0.026    13482      275
 24     18   11.3     33.1     -      0.95   0.94
  5  0.0151   8.12  0.051  0.051  0.041  0.061  0.034    11303      148
 15     12   10.1     23.1     -      0.93   0.88
  6  0.0185   7.35  0.070  0.070  0.043  0.084  0.045    14124       84
 10      9    8.3     18.7     -      0.93   0.93
  7  0.0219   6.76  0.086  0.086  0.045  0.102  0.054    15700       65
  9      8    7.1     15.9     -      0.98   0.97
  8  0.0252   6.29  0.100  0.100  0.047  0.118  0.062    17497       54
  8      8    6.4     14.3     -      0.96   0.96
  9  0.0286   5.91  0.106  0.106  0.050  0.124  0.065    18961       54
  9      8    6.1     14.0     -      0.95   0.94
 10  0.0320   5.59  0.113  0.113  0.053  0.133  0.068    20406       52
  9      9    5.8     13.5     -      0.95   0.95
 11  0.0353   5.32  0.119  0.119  0.056  0.138  0.071    21836       53
 10      9    5.5     13.2     -      0.98   0.98
 12  0.0387   5.08  0.111  0.111  0.059  0.129  0.067    22914       64
 11     10    5.9     14.2     -      1.01   1.00
 13  0.0421   4.87  0.117  0.117  0.062  0.137  0.070    23980       63
 11     10    5.6     13.6     -      1.02   1.01
 14  0.0454   4.69  0.127  0.127  0.065  0.149  0.076    24916       61
 12     11    5.2     12.8     -      1.02   1.01
 15  0.0488   4.53  0.162  0.162  0.069  0.189  0.097    26030       47
 11     11    4.1     10.5     -      1.01   1.01
 16  0.0522   4.38  0.202  0.202  0.073  0.235  0.120    26790       38
 12     11    3.3      8.9     -      0.99   0.99
 17  0.0555   4.24  0.261  0.261  0.078  0.306  0.158    26547       30
 12     11    2.6      7.1     -      1.01   1.01
 18  0.0589   4.12  0.316  0.316  0.081  0.387  0.220    21957       24
 12     11    2.0      5.2     -      1.00   0.96
 19  0.0623   4.01  0.498  0.498  0.086  0.602  0.333    24279       16
 13     12    1.3      3.7     -      1.01   0.98
 20  0.0656   3.90  0.588  0.588  0.094  0.718  0.404    25888       21
 33     13    0.6      3.9     -      3.12   1.24
 21  0.0690   3.81  0.822  0.822  0.101  0.974  0.515    28128       12
 15     14    0.8      2.7     -      1.03   1.00
 22  0.0724   3.72  1.140  1.140  0.109  1.347  0.709    29583        9
 18     15    0.5      2.0     -      1.25   1.01
 23  0.0757   3.63  0.819  0.819  0.118  0.989  0.543    30705       18
 58     16    0.3      2.2     -      1.81   1.09
 24  0.0791   3.56  1.643  1.643  0.128  1.926  0.995    31626        7
 18     16    0.4      1.5     -      1.03   1.00
 25  0.0825   3.48  2.505  2.505  0.139  2.946  1.534    32327        5
 23     17    0.2      1.0     -      1.33   1.06
 26  0.0858   3.41  1.601  1.601  0.151  1.925  1.051    32349       10
 52     18    0.2      1.4     -      2.72   1.17



Charles Chen

Research Instructor

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology



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