On 10/07/2018 09:32, Grandi, E. wrote:
Dear all,

Hello Eleanora,

I am recently working on a protein-ligand structure. The problem is that the ligand is not present in the library used by Refmac. Therefore, after having modified the structure on Coot I cannot run Refmac again because the ligand is not recognized. The program suggest me to use JLigand to solve this problem but I cannot open it on my Mac because I cannot install Java and I do not know why.
> I also tried to use the new lib.cif file mentioned as the input file but it 
did not work.

OK.. there are a few clarifications needed if I am to understand exactly what 
went on here

"tried to use"

But perhaps I don't need to understand. The protocol is:
Try to find the 3-letter-code of your ligand using Ligand Expo or some such
If you find it, just use File -> Get Monomer. Now fit your ligand.
If not,
  (1) use Lidia to make a chemical diagram, press "Apply" to run Acedrg
  (2) use Lidia to determine the SMILES string and use the "Make a Ligand" task 
in CCP4i2

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