I would transfer the new project to i2, and keep the ‘legacy’ stuff in i1.
You can access i1 stuff from i2 with the i1 viewer.

Let us know if you need any help with the transition. Happy to receive
feedback and suggestions!

On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 18:27, Antonio Ariza <antonio.ar...@path.ox.ac.uk>

> Hi all and sorry ... (I thought it best to apologise pre-emptively for
> this rather long question).
> Ok ... so, I know I should have changed over to CCP4i2 a LOOOONG time ago,
> but a student in my lab had trouble transferring his projects from CCP4i to
> CCP4i2, so I decided to postpone it ... and I kept postponing it ever
> since. I have now run into a problem with the old CCP4i gui, which means I
> might have to change over to CCP4i2.
> It seems I have run out of projects!
> Over the last 4 years I have created 251 projects. After I created the
> last one and worked on it for a while, I went and revisited an older
> project. Now I can't access the last project I created from the gui anymore.
> The last project I created would, alphabetically speaking, also be the
> last project in the list that appears when you press the "Change Project"
> button at the top of the gui. However, the list that appears seems to only
> have enough spaces for 250 project names, which means it shows the first
> 250 projects (alphabetically) and the last project isn't on it. When I
> press the "Directories&PojectDir" button I can see I did indeed create the
> project that I'm looking for and when I check the computer, all the files
> for this project are in their corresponding directory.
> I guess, if I were to create a 252nd project with a title that would fall
> towards the beginning of the alphabetical project list, the gui would let
> me do that, but I would then lose what is currently the last project I can
> see on the list, which means I would have 2 projects I can't access via the
> gui.
> If I start using CCP4i2 and copy all my old projects across, will it have
> the same problem? Has anybody else with a large number of projects run into
> this problem?
> Should I re-create only the 251st project and set up all new projects in
> CCP4i2 and keep the old projects for use in CCP4i instead?
> Cheers,
> Tony
> ------------------------------------------------------
> * Dr. Antonio Ariza University of Oxford Sir William Dunn School of
> Pathology South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3RE*
> *e-mail: *antonio.ar...@path.ox.ac.uk
> *Tel: 00 +44 1865 285655*
> *Links to my public profiles:*
> ResearchGate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Ariza>
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonioariza1>
> GoogleScholar
> <https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=9pAIKV0AAAAJ&hl=en>
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/DrAntonioAriza?lang=en>
> *Check out my latest paper!!!*
> Structural insights into the function of ZRANB3 in replication stress
> response <http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15847>
> ------------------------------
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Dr Jon Agirre
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University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD, York, UK
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