Dear colleagues,

There is an opening in my lab to study the structure and mechanism of
microtubule regulators with an emphasis on the tubulin code. The formal
announcement is pasted below.



*Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,

A postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is available in the Cell Biology and
Biophysics Unit headed by Dr. Antonina Roll-Mecak to work on structural and
functional studies of tubulin modification enzymes and molecular motors
using a combination of X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM and single molecule
fluorescence microscopy. Research in the Roll-Mecak lab focuses on
deciphering the tubulin code ie how tubulin posttranslational modifications
tune microtubule functions (see for instance Garnham et al., *Cell* 2015,
Valenstein et al., *Cell* 2016, Vemu et al., *JBC* 2016; Zehr et al *Nature
Struct & Molec Biology, *2017). We use a combination of biochemistry, X-ray
crystallography, electron microscopy and single-molecule fluorescence
techniques. For more information about the lab please visit:

I am looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated Ph.D. graduates with a strong
publication record and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, X-ray
crystallography or electron microscopy who welcome working in an
interdisciplinary group with a supportive atmosphere and excellent
resources. The Washington DC area is a great place to live with great
access to cultural and outdoor activities. Experience with assembly of
large protein complexes or structure determination by crystallographic
methods or EM is a definite plus. The successful applicant will be awarded
a NINDS Intramural Fellowship.  Please send a CV, a one-page research
experience summary and contact information of three references to  Please write “Fellow - tubulin code” in the subject


Antonina Roll-Mecak

Senior Investigator and Chief

Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit

Porter Neuroscience Research Center


National Institutes of Health

Administrative contact: Karen Kendrick; Ph: 301-451-9223; Email: <>

Lab website:

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