Registration is now open for the 10th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to Biological Samples will be held at BNL, USA 13th-14th September 2018. Further details can be found at:
The Workshop will address essential questions and challenges of radiation damage to biological samples during their examination with ionizing radiation. The workshop will cover various X-ray and electron scattering techniques, from crystallography to imaging, and offers ample opportunities for information exchange and discussion among researchers from around the globe. Sessions will cover: 1) Basic Understanding of Radiation Damage Mechanisms 2) Biological Studies Affected by Radiation Damage 3) Practical Aspects of Reducing Radiation Damage at Synchrotrons 4) Damage at New Sources - XFEL and 4th generation synchrotrons 5) Radiation Damage in Complementary Fields including Biological Imaging Best wishes Elspeth Garman On behalf of the Organising Committee ---------------------------------------------------- Elspeth F. Garman, Professor of Molecular Biophysics, Senior Kurti Fellow, Brasenose College, University of Oxford Postal address: Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, Tel: (44)-1865-613297 South Parks Road, FAX: (44)-1865-613201 OXFORD, OX1 3QU, U.K. E-mail:<> -----------------------------------------------------