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Postdoc position at University of California, Irvine (Irvine, CA)

One postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Rongsheng Jin’s laboratory at
the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of California
Irvine. The new postdoctoral fellow is expected to participate in
NIH-supported projects focusing on the mechanism of action of bacterial
virulence factors in their cellular context (Science 2012, PLOS Pathogens
2013, Science 2014, NSMB 2016, Science 2018). Our laboratory employs a
multidisciplinary approach that combines X-ray crystallography, SAXS,
electron microscopy with the more traditional approaches of biochemistry
and biophysics. We have also built long-standing collaborative
relationships in the areas of cell biology, electrophysiology, toxicology,
and animal studies. The successful candidates should have a Ph.D. degree,
high motivation, and strong background in one or more of the following
research areas: biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and structural
biology. Applicants please send their curriculum vitae and names of three
referees to r....@uci.edu.

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