Dear colleagues,

in the framework of a newly established DFG funded graduate program at the Ruhr-University Bochum we are offering 12 PhD positions in the area of microbial substrate conversion.

In my group, one candidate will focus on the stuctural aspects of hydrogenases, using anaerobic crystallization and a variety of biochemical and biophysical techniques in a close cooperation with two other candidates in the Happe and Gerwert/Kötting labs.

Pls. have a look at the MiCon website for details about the project and the application procedure:

Deadline for applications is already 22nd of May, 2018!

All the best,

Selected references:
Esselborn J, Muraki N, Klein K, Engelbrecht V, Metzler-Nolte N, Apfel U-P, Hofmann E, Kurisu G, Happe T. 2016. A structural view of synthetic cofactor integration into [FeFe]-hydrogenases. Chem. Sci. 7:959–968. Noth J, Esselborn J, Güldenhaupt J, Brünje A, Sawyer A, Apfel U-P, Gerwert K, Hofmann E, Winkler M, Happe T. 2016. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase with Chalcogenide Substitutions at the H-Cluster Maintains Full H2 Evolution Activity. Angew. Chem. 128:8536–8540. Winkler M, Senger M, Duan J, Esselborn J, Wittkamp F, Hofmann E, Apfel U-P, Stripp ST, Happe T. 2017. Accumulating the hydride state in the catalytic cycle of [FeFe]-hydrogenases. Nature Communications 8:16115.

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann <>
Ruhr-Uni Bochum
AG Proteinkristallographie, LS Biophysik, ND04/318
44780 Bochum
Tel: +49-(0)234/32-24463, Sekr. -24461, FAX: -14762
ORCID: 0000-0003-4874-372X

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