I would like make you aware of an opening for a postdoctoral researcher in the Robinson Lab at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) within Birkbeck College, London UK. We are seeking an ambitious and driven research scientist to investigate the structure and function of a biomedically important family of chromatin modifying complexes.

The position will involve interdisciplinary research combining biophysical and structural approaches (X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM) and features exciting collaborative opportunities with groups at UCSF and the Institut Pasteur. The qualified candidate should have obtained a Ph.D. with a solid foundation in biophysical approaches and experience in biochemistry and structural biology.

The ISMB is a vibrant, multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment that bridges the Departments of Chemistry/Structural and Molecular Biology at University College London and the Department of Biological Sciences at Birkbeck. The ISMB is a UK centre of excellence for cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. The EM suite currently houses a 300KeV Polara with K2 detector as well as FEI Tecnai F20, T12 and T10 for sample characterization and optimization. Cryo-EM capabilities will be further strengthened by a recently purchased 300KeV FEI Titan Krios, to be delivered in early 2018. The X-ray lab comprises a robotics suite for liquid handling, tray setup, barcoding and imaging and an X-ray room for in-house diffraction experiments.

The full-time post is funded by the Medical Research Council for a period of up to five years, includes a competitive London-weighted salary and will be available from May 2018. For more information about the position and to apply, use the following link:


Informal enquiries are welcome and can made via email to Dr Philip Robinson (p.robin...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk).

Philip Robinson Ph.D
MRC CDA Fellow and Group Leader
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Department of Biological Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
United Kingdom

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