CRUK Centre Network Meeting:
Accelerating Cancer Drug Discovery Through Structural Biology
Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tuesday February 20th, 2018

This free one-day meeting is open to anyone with an interest in the use of 
structural biology and fragment-based hit finding to accelerate drug discovery 
in oncology and beyond.   There are opportunities for poster presentations and 
short talks and we are keen to have lab-active researchers attend.

Highlights include:
Plenary Speaker: Peter Parker, “Mechanisms, Monitoring and Medicines”
Sessions on “What makes a good target”, “Fragment approaches” “Success stories”.
Lunchtime panel discussions on “Getting your protein into a drug discovery 
programme”, “How to find your first hit” and “Funding opportunities”

The full programme and the link to register can be found on the meeting web 
site at:

Please note the revised registration deadline of Monday February 12th, 2018.

Professor Jane Endicott
Northern Institute for Cancer Research
Newcastle University
Paul O’Gorman Building
Medical School
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 4422
FAX: +44 (0)191 208 4301

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