
I have a question regarding the automatic restraints in Refmac5 and 
CCP4Interface 7.0.050.

For a few years I have relied on automatic restraints settings in the CCP4I 
interface which
usually resulted in r.m.s. bond deviations of about 0.02 Å and good convergence 
of refinement (lower
R-factors). The last few months this have not been the
case. In structure after structure in different projects we get consistently 
r.m.s. deviations of 0.03 Å and more
and lacking or worse convergence. This is not a huge problem since you can get 
around it by using user 
set weighting terms. Still it is annoying.

Anyone experiencing the same?

Best regards,

Maria Håkansson, PhD, Crystallization Facility Manager
Principal Scientist

SARomics Biostructures AB
Medicon Village
SE-223 81 Lund, Sweden

Mobile: +46 (0)76 8585706
Web: www.saromics.com

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