A few places left - closing deadline 1st December 2017

Workshop on real-time cryo-EM image processing with SIMPLE

Oxford, 9-10th January 2018
(designed to allow attendance at the CCP4 workshop immediately after)


Course overview:
SIMPLE (Single-particle IMage Processing Linux Engine) is a program package for 
cryo-EM image processing, featuring algorithms for all aspects of 
single-particle image analysis. A recent focus of the SIMPLE development team 
has been the establishment of a streaming pipeline, allowing real-time image 
processing of data directly from the microscope with a minimal computing setup.

This workshop is aimed at facility personnel, postdocs and students using 
single-particle reconstruction as their primary research tool. Processing 
through 2D, ab initio 3D, heterogeneity analysis, to high resolution refinement 
 will be introduced by each participant independently working through all 
The new SIMPLE GUI will also be introduced allowing all stages of processing 
through web browsers on any device.

40 attendees can be accommodated.

The workshop will be the first based at the Central Oxford Structural 
Microscopy Imaging Centre. This new facility, consisting of a suite of direct 
electron detector equipped microscopes at 200 and 300kV, brings the cryo-em 
revolution to scientists based in the Oxford Science Area. A central computing 
facility associated with the cryo-EM Centre has driven development of the 
automated real time processing of single particle data to facilitate informed 
sample selection.

The workshop will cost £150 to include registration, lunch (on both days), 
coffee breaks. Attendees will need to arrange overnight accommodation in 
Oxford. Please register interest using the link at top.
The organizing committee
Susan Lea
Dominika Elmlund
Hans Elmlund

Prof. Susan M. Lea,  FMedSci                      tel: +44 1865 275181
Director of the Central Oxford Structural Microscopy and Imaging Centre & 
Professor of Microbiology
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford OX1 3RE Professorial Fellow @ 

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