
I'll assume you mean that you want to change the direct beam position - in 
iMosflm it's easy, and the best way for you to proceed is to follow the 
tutorial on the website - see files on 




If you want to do it in DIALS, I would recommend looking at the "Correcting 
poor initial geometry" tutorial - 


I don't know of a sensible way to do it directly in ccp4i or ccp4i2 - perhaps 
someone here can enlighten both of us.

Dr Harry Powell
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 

On 14 Nov 2017, at 09:30, YUVARAJ I wrote:

> Dear all,
> How to change the origin of  the reflection from the default value in imosflm 
> or DIALS during Indexing. Is there any way to do it in CCP4i or CCP4i2 GUI. 
> Thanks 
> Yuvaraj

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