Hi all,
The Industrial Crystallography SIG of the American Crystallographic Association 
will host a session for the 2018 ACA meeting titled “Current state of 
instrumentation, automation, status and future”. We are looking for speakers 
for this session.

The session should cover both robotic automation or computational automation, 
or the integration of both. This could be for the in-house lab, as well as for 
beamlines. Basically, anything that supports high throughput crystallography in 
one way or another. We would like to encourage developers of new 
instrumentation to speak, as well as users. We do not want to turn this into a 
product show though. The talks are expected to be around 15-20min long.

If you are interested in presenting, please send a title and a draft abstract 
to the session hosts.
Matt Clifton, Nurix Inc., mclif...@nurix-inc.com<mailto:mclif...@nurix-inc.com>
Jan Abendroth, Beryllium Discovery, 

Thanks and best wishes,
Matt Clifton
Jan Abendroth

Core Leader, CrystalCore
P  206-780-8925   F 206-780-8547
Seattle | Boston | USA | be4.com

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