Thank you Garib..

So you have to copy the $CLIBD/monomers/t/TYC.cif to your own directory and
change the string "non-polymer" to "L-peptide"
Then use that as a dictionary entry and indeed that behaves as expected -
ie forms the peptide link GLY-TYC


On 16 October 2017 at 12:32, Garib Murshudov <>

> These are default values.
> Decision about standard residue types are made using the info from the
> dictionary.  In the current version it is like:
> TYC      TYC 'L-TYROSINAMIDE                      ' non-polymer        25
>  13 .
> I.e. it is not a peptide. Strictly speaking it is not a peptide. It would
> form standard peptide link, at least on the carboxyl side.
> These cases should be dealt with different types of links.
> How this residue incorporated into the protein? Is it something like
> C-terminus amilation? If it is the case then better approach is to use TYR
> and C-terminus amilation modification. I do not remember how it works, but
> if it is the case then i can find out.
> Regards
> Garib
> On 16 Oct 2017, at 07:06, Eleanor Dodson <>
> wrote:
> Very puzzled by this - but now I think I understand .
> Can you comment Garib please?
> In refmac there is a list of amino acids to be linked
>  .......
> C ---------------------------------------------------------
> C     ITYPE = 3 RES_LTYPE( 3) =  'peptide '
> C
>       DATA RNAME /'CYS','SER','THR','PRO','ALA','GLY','ASN','ASP'
>      *           ,'GLU','GLN','HIS','ARG','LYS','MET','ILE','LEU'
>      *           ,'VAL','PHE','TYR','TRP','TRY','HYP','PCA','SAR'
>      *           ,'ORN','CSS','CSH','DAR','DPR','NLE','DAS','INI'
>      *           ,'DGL','DGN','DHI','DIL','DIV','DLI','DSN','DSP'
>      *           ,'ABA','BMT','MLE','MVA','DVA','MSE','PTR','DAL'
>      *           ,'DPN','DTR','DTH','TYS','CGU','DCY','ILG','OCS'
>      *           ,'KCX','SAH','SAM','SEP','LLP','5HP','CSO'      /
> As you can see TYC is not in this list:
> When I change your TYC to TYS the link is formed properly,  ( I have to
> delete the NXT but that shouldnt matter..)
> So either TYC and all other possible peptides should be added to the RNAME
> list, or better if the dictionary defines a residue as an L-peptide then
> that is how it should be handled.
> But for the present you will have to use that work-around of creating a
> Eleanor
> C
> Dr Garib N Murshudov
> Francis Crick Avenue
> Cambridge
> CB2 0QH UK
> Web,

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