HERCULES 2018 - European School 28 Years of Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation Science
2018 session: 25 February-30 March, 2018 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 25 October 2017 HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard & Soft Condensed Matter. The 1-month school includes lectures (60%), hands-on practicals and tutorials at partner institutes (Elettra and FERMI in Trieste, Italy; ESRF, ILL in Grenoble; Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay; PSI in Villigen, Switzerland) and Grenoble Laboratories (CEA, CNRS, EMBL, IBS). (*) (*) also, participation of DESY and the European XFEL to be confirmed for 2018 due to scheduled down-time. The school includes a common part and two parallel sessions: - Biomolecular, soft condensed matter structure & dynamics - Physics and chemistry of condensed matter Why join Hercules ? - to learn new techniques using neutron and synchrotron radiation - to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge, not only for your present research but for your scientific career - to experiment these techniques on world-class instruments & beamlines - to build a network of relations with fellow young researchers and experienced teachers from all around the World Bursaries/reduced costs - A limited number of bursaries will be available either to reduce registration fees or cover travel costs. More information: (see programme overview below) Hercules website: http://hercules-school.eu/ Full list of lectures: http://hercules-school.eu/24-session-program.htm Download the full 2017 Booklet (lectures, practicals..) Contact email: hercu...@hercules-school.eu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silvia Onesti - Head of Structural Biology Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste ITALY Email: silvia.one...@elettra.eu Tel. +39 040 3758451 Mob +39 366 6878001 http://www.elettra.trieste.it/People/SilviaOnesti http://www.elettra.trieste.it/labs/structural-biology -----------------------------------------------------------------------