We are pleased to announce the Cryo-EM Workshop of the High-Resolution TEM
Winter School, which will be held on January 3-5, 2018 at Arizona State
University (ASU) Tempe campus.  The HRTEM Winter School at ASU has a long
history in educating and training TEM scientists, and we have been
expanding our interests and courses to the biological applications,
especially the cryo-EM methods.  Last year was our first annual cryo-EM
workshop, which brought success in promoting biological cryo-EM and
training more researchers into the field.

The goal of the Cryo-EM Workshop is to introduce the concepts and
applications of the biological cryo-EM.  We will have two guest speakers
coming to join our workshop: Dr. Nikolaus Grigorieff (Howard Hughes Medical
Institute) and Dr. James Evans (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory).
Participants will learn the complete workflow and advanced techniques used
for biological cryo-EM through lectures, demos, and hands-on experiments.
No previous experience is required.  Also, it will be a great opportunity
for the participants to learn the cryo-EM principles while working along
with their samples. Therefore, this year we are welcoming to receive the
proposals from who are interested in bringing their samples and processing
their data on site.

More information can be found in https://le-csss.asu.edu/node/131.  Winter
is the wonderful season to visit Pheonix area, and we are looking forward
to welcoming you.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need more

Date:  January 3-5, 2018
Place: Arizona State University Tempe campus
URL:   https://le-csss.asu.edu/node/131

Organization committees: Dr. Brent Nannenga (brent.nanne...@asu.edu), Dr.
Po-Lin Chiu (plc...@asu.edu), and Dr. Dewight Williams (

Po-Lin Chiu, Ph.D.
School of Molecular Sciences | The Biodesign Institute
Arizona State University
1001 S McAllister Avenue
Biodesign Building A230A
Tempe, AZ 85287
(O) 480.727.2058 | (G) 510.859.3597
plc...@asu.edu | c...@crystal.harvard.edu

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