Hi Ed I'm afraid not; that's one thing that can't be changed to a different default.
Harry -- Dr Harry Powell Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing) > On 26 Sep 2017, at 20:34, Edwin Pozharski <pozharsk...@gmail.com> wrote: > > By default, iMosflm excludes corners from processing. Is there a simple way > to make it the default to go all the way to the corner instead of detector > edge? I could of course set the max resolution for processing to some > outrageous value that is guaranteed to be outside of the image, but perhaps I > am missing a more intelligent option in the gui. (I vaguely recall HKL2000 > having a Edge/Corner/Other) radiobutton). > > There is a whole separate question as to wisdom of including corners, of > course. Yes, adding a resolution shell with robust data will improve model > quality even if such shell is woefully incomplete. On the other hand, it's > possible that fill-in option for missing reflections in map calculation may > make maps more biased. A reasonable solution to this would be to use 2 > different resolution limits in refinement and map calculation - not hard to > script for that yet I don't know if any refinement software provides such > option natively. > > Ed.