*The model files in the PDB FTP archive have been updated to V5.0 of
thePDBx/mmCIF dictionary
mmCIF <http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic/Index/>and
XML formats have been updated. These files were providedpreviously
the community to review and test. There is no change to PDB format files
as PDB format is alegacy format
<https://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-formats-and-the-pdb>. These,
therefore, do not contain all of the remediated information. *
The changes to V5.0 include:
to capture details of changes to files down to the category level
for entry revisions.
Better organized data content
much more extensive metadata in model files for electron microscopy
derived models.
Corrected source organism and sequence references for each sequence
fragment in chimeric proteins.
Standardized data in several categories, including software name,
detector name and detector type.
The complete list of changes can be found at thewwPDB website
Questions regarding V5.0 data should be sent to deposit-h...@mail.wwpdb.org.
John Berrisford
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge CB10 1SD UK
Tel: +44 1223 492529