Gloria, would you be interested in used ones?  I don't actually have any -
we threw them out a few months ago, I've just checked - but someone might
have some.

Best wishes, Patrick

On 11 July 2017 at 19:04, Gloria Borgstahl <> wrote:

> I have recently found out that these are no longer being manufactured or
> sold commercially.  But, as fortune has it, we have just been funded to fly
> some large quartz capillaries crystallization experimente up to the
> International Space Station for neutron crystallography.  Our experimental
> design is to fly the experiments in the Granada Crystallation Boxes!  NASA
> has already approved the 3x10x0.5 cm plastic Granada boxes for flights.
> Does anyone have any in their lab supplies that they do not plan to use?
> We would be willing to buy them from you!  Thanks, Gloria

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