Dear Crystallographers,

Having been repeatedly chagrinned about the continued use and reporting of 
Rmerge rather than Rmeas or similar, I thought of a potential way to promote 
the change: what if merging programs would completely omit Rmerge/cryst/sym? Is 
there some reason to continue to report these stats, or are they just 
grandfathered into the software? I doubt that any journal or crystallographer 
would insist on reporting Rmerge per se. So, I wonder what developers would 
think about commenting out a few lines of their code, seeing what happens? 
Maybe a comment to the effect of "Rmerge is now deprecated; use Rmeas" would be 
useful as well. Would something catastrophic happen?

All the best,

Jacob Keller

Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD
Research Scientist
HHMI Janelia Research Campus / Looger lab
Phone: (571)209-4000 x3159

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