Yes - I wrote something long long ago called compar. It is still there..

you give it XYZIN1 and XYZIN2 and I think it lists all distances somewhere

[ed1@setsuko ~]$ compar
<html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE -->

 ### CCP4 7.0.042: COMPAR           version 7.0.042 :         ##
 User: ed1  Run date:  3/ 7/2017 Run time: 13:36:49

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67,
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


FORMATTED      SCRATCH file opened on unit   7
Logical name: CMPTMP, Filename: /tmp/ed1/compar_TMP.30038

  unknown-format file is being opened on unit 1 for INPUT.

 *** RWBROOK error: point code unit    function
 ***                    1   -4    1    MMDB_F_Open
 *** file   : XYZIN1
 *** reason : cannot open a file
 *** continue running, may crash ...

 COMPAR:   XYZOPEN: Error opening logical name XYZIN1
 COMPAR:   XYZOPEN: Error opening logical name XYZIN1
Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00

you give it XYZIN1 and XYZIN2 and I think it lists all distances..

On 3 July 2017 at 13:16, James Foadi <> wrote:

> Hi Eleanor.
> You do the alignment if you are looking to measure the similarity of two
> molecules after refinement or the similarity of two molecules in general.
> When you do this, like you say, you have to carry out some sort of
> alignment, i.e. you move one of the two structures so to have the highest
> degree of overlapping with the other , without any constraint. This is what
> most of the programs do (and after having done that they compute the RMSD).
> But I'm looking for a program to measure the RMSD of two fixed (un-moved)
> structures; the structures have already been moved (with the symmetry and
> unit cell origin constrain) by CSYMMATCH. Does it make sense to you?
> James
> Dr James Foadi PhD Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science
> and Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE United Kingdom office
> email: alternative email:
> personal web page:
> On Monday, 3 July 2017, 11:59, Eleanor Dodson <>
> wrote:
> Dont understand your Q James..
> You have to make sort of alignment to get the RMSD surely?
> And csymmatch will just apply the symmetry and origin shifts needed for
> any comparisonn?
> E
> On 3 July 2017 at 11:32, Stéphane Duquerroy <>
> wrote:
> Hi James
> LSQMAN can calculate the current RMSD between the 2 models (RMsd_calc mol1
> range1 mol2 range2 [Ltarget])
> Be careful it renames the chain names
> Stephane
> ------------------------------ ---------------------
> Duquerroy Stéphane
> Structural Virology Unit - PASTEUR INSTITUTE
> 25 rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
> lab: +33 (0)1 45 68 82 66
> fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 89 93
> email:
> ------------------------------ ----------------------
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"James Foadi" <000009daa8ec3774-dmarc-
> <>>
> *À: *
> *Envoyé: *Lundi 3 Juillet 2017 11:47:00
> *Objet: *[ccp4bb] RMSD between unaligned structures
> Dear ccp4 tribe,
> this might have been asked before, but I haven't paid enough attention.
> I'd like to measure the RMSD between two models after molecular
> replacement. I can force the two models to overlap as much as possible
> within the symmetry and origin-shift constraints (using CSYMMATCH). But I
> don't want the program that compute RMSD to align the two structures. Can
> you suggest what I should use? And, perhaps, what keywords I should adopt?
> Many thanks, in advance.
> James
> Dr James Foadi PhD Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science
> and Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE United Kingdom office
> email: alternative email:
> personal web page:

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