Dear all, We are pleased to announce coordinated upgrades to STARANISO for analysis of anisotropy in diffraction data [1] and to autoPROC for data processing and analysis [2].
The consistency between the two programs has been increased, so has the uniformity of output. The final statistics have been gathered in one place, in the form of both a detailed MRFANA-style table with numerous resolution bins and an abbreviated AIMLESS-style table with only "Overall", "InnerShell" and "OuterShell" figures. Following its initial use in STARANISO, the binning in spherical shells is no longer predefined in terms of shells of equal volume, but is defined dynamically to produce equal numbers of "observations" (i.e. of reflections after application of the anisotropic resolution cut-off). This avoids accidentally producing outer-shell statistics that are so noisy (because that shell is too sparsely populated) as to be uninformative. A clear distinction is made, wherever applicable, between two types of final statistics: * those associated to a conventional treatment, i.e. a cut-off based on a spherical average value of I/sig(I) or CC1/2, retaining all "measurements" up to that resolution cut-off; * those produced after the anisotropy analysis in STARANISO, with an indication of different resolution limits in different directions, and statistics calculated over "observations", i.e. only over measurements within the anisotropic cut-off surface, or in other words, over significant measurements only. This leads, in particular, to two distinct values for completeness: spherical, and ellipsoidal. We are putting the last touch to the production of a complete section of Table 1 (for deposition or publication) containing these anisotropic data statistics. This last version of autoPROC supports the latest XDS (Version June 1, 2017, BUILT=20170615) and also creates an XML report for data after anisotropy analysis with STARANISO. This file might not be completely ISPyB compatible but is intended as a starting point for discussions regarding the handling and representation of anisotropy in diffraction data and in processing results derived from them. Further details are also available from the release notes at [3]. For any questions please contact us at staraniso at globalphasing dot org regarding STARANISO proc-develop at globalphasing dot com regarding autoPROC With best wishes, The Global Phasing Developers. [1] [2] [3]