Just a reminder that there are still places available...

We are proud to announce a pair of workshops held at the University of
Leeds exploring the crossover between EM and MD.


(1) Computation for Biomolecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography
Sarah Harris (CCP-BioSim/Physics, Leeds), Albert Solernou (Physics/Leeds)
and Ste Muench (Biological Sciences, Leeds), Tom Burnley (CCP-EM/STFC)

CCPBioSim-EM Workshop (14th July): Structural characterisation of proteins
and protein complexes by cryo-EM and cryo-ET is now providing access to a
wide range of macromolecular assemblies that were inaccessible by X-ray
crystallography or NMR. Although EM analysis can provide information on
different conformational states, it is still an averaging technique and
therefore highly dynamic regions can be difficult to resolve. This
workshop will
explore the emerging computational techniques for achieving biological
understanding from cryo-EM/ET images, and discuss areas most in need of
further development.  Confirmed speakers include:

Christiane Berger-Schaffitzel, University of Bristol
Christian Blau (Lindahl Group, Stockholm University)
Max Bonomi (Vendruscolo Group), Univeristy of Cambridge
Tom Burnley, CCP-EM / STFC
Jose-Maria Carazo, National Center for Biotechnology, Spain
Tristan Croll, Univeristy of Cambridge
Sarah Harris, University of Leeds
Agnel Joseph (Topf Group), Birkbeck
Elena Orlova, Birkbeck


(2) FFEA Workshop (13th July): This will be a hands-on workshop on the new
software tool Fluctuating Finite Element Analysis (FFEA), which calculates
dynamic trajectories for flexible biomolecules directly from cryo-EM/ET
density maps. FFEA aims to provide an equivalent simulation tool for the
EMDB as atomistic MD simulations have for the PDB. This approach uniquely
uses volumetric meshes rather than atomistic co-ordinates as input such
that it can model protein dynamics, protein-protein interactions,
conformational switching between known configurational states and can be
mapped back to atomistic co-ordinates, where these are available. This
workshop is ideal for biomolecular simulators who would like to make full
use of cryo-EM data in their modelling, or for experimentalists who would
like to gain new theoretical insight into the dynamic behaviour of the
structures they observe.


Best wishes,


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